OK, So Here's The Deal...

A Marine Major, Running Fool, and All-Around Smart-Ass.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

One Of The Reason I Love Being Mexican

Because you have gorgeous families.

These two are part of my extended family (grandmother was one of 13 and the branches go out from there).

They are the two grandchildren of one of those 13. Or is it great-grandchildren? I don't know but look at 'em. They belong on the cover of some Spanish edition fan magazine.

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  • At 3:20 AM, Blogger Killjoy said…

    Are you saying that other races don't have gorgeous families?
    I like to think that I have a gorgeous family and as far as I know, we're none Mexican.

  • At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's grandchildren. Aunt Virginia's grandchildren and yes,our cousins are gorgeous. I remember Sharon and I going to family reunions and thinking our cousins (the 1000s of them) were super hot. We are all very modest, aren't we?

  • At 8:27 PM, Blogger Viper said…

    Killjoy: no.

  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Viper said…

    Oh, and just because you have a drop dead grogeous daughter does not give you the right to make trouble here. (OK, maybe it does. It IS the Weez, aferall).

  • At 9:01 PM, Blogger Viper said…

    Well, Jen, then we are lucky we are not West Virginians because I thought the same thing. I swore I'd marry a Mexican when I grew up.


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