OK, So Here's The Deal...

A Marine Major, Running Fool, and All-Around Smart-Ass.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Come Sit On the Sorting Lap, Young Potter

A great rant about Dumbldork being gay (lifted from another blogger):

"Yeah, Dumbledore came out of the closet...or was it a cubbard beneath a staircase that young Mr. Potter lived in for so much of his childhood years...

How distasteful, really. I think Rowling, with all of her continued revelations about what happens to all the characters at Ohgwarts, should just write another book titled- So you wanted to know- and leave it at that. I am waiting to hear that Snape molested Hermoine in the cauldron storage room...oh wait for it, it's coming."

Saturday, October 06, 2007

You Know You Can't Become If You Only Say What You Would Have Done

A great explanation of Len's If You Steal My Sunshine.